hands   on health


Aids to Health




Reflexology ball





Why magnets?

Magnets have been used for years to help healing.   The most effective magnets are those that produce a pulsed field.  Hospitals use expensive large pulsed magnets for short periods to aid healing.  

I searched for something similar to use at home, that is within a reasonable price range.  I found it in Bioflow magnets.  They use 'Central Reverse Polarity'  It means that each time some blood passes the magnet it receives a pulse.

Bioflow Magnets

Arthritis   A Bioflow magnet worn on the wrist over the pulse point energises the blood and improves the acid/alkili balance.  In scientific trials, and anecdotal evidence, it reduces the arthritis pain.

Broken Bone  A magnet over the area of the break increases the blood flow and speeds up healing of the bone.

Back Pain  A magnetic pad over the area of the pain makes a huge difference

I provide a link to a  site for you to see what you would like.  It is a site of a colleague who introduced me to them.



Case Studies  Magnets

K  had broken a bone in her foot.  She is diabetic. Six weeks later there was no healing.  K  used a magnet over the break.  One month later the bone had healed.

I saw C  in the afternoon on Christmas Eve.  She was in severe pain in her lower back.  I lent her a magnetic pad.  She used it most of the day.

C  was pain free on Christmas day.

D  was pregnant, and had a pain in her upper back. It started at about the four month stage. She wasn't looking forward to the next five months with the pain, and didn't want to take pain killers constantly.

She used a spot magnet over the area.  The pain disappeared.  If D  stopped using it,  the pain returned.  So she used it all her pregnancy.

D is my daughter.



Reflexology Ball

What is a reflexology ball

It is 2 tennis balls in a sock, tied tightly so the balls stay in contact with each other.

Why use a reflexology ball

Rubbing feet over a reflexology ball stimulates the circulation in the legs and feet.  

Use it for:

  • Tired feet
  • Aching feet
  • Poor circulation
  • Fluid retention in legs and feet
  • Long aeroplane flights

Using a Reflexology Ball

The aim is to rub as many part of the feet as you can with the ball.

It is easy to rub the sole of the feet on the ball.  It takes a little experimentation to rub the sides and top of the feet.



Case Studies Reflexology Ball

As a teenager B  had an operation to cut the tendons in her feet, as they were too short.

In her sixties the expectation is that she wouldn't be able to walk much and it would be very painful, and that's what happened.

Then a few years ago B  started having Reflexology and used the Reflexology Ball regularly.  The pain has reduced significantly, and B  walks dogs regularly in comfort.

D  had an accident to her foot as a young child.   riding on the back of her mum's bike she put her foot in the wheel and braked the bike.

In her fifties her foot started aching every evening.  Ten minutes with the reflexology ball takes that ache away.
